ES old paper solution #1

ES old paper solution #1

1)      Which of the following make the sound “j”?


A.      Gin

B.      Game

C.      Gap

D.      Go


2)      She ____for a while.


A.      Are ailing

B.      Is ailing

C.      Has been ailing

D.      Have been ailing


3)      One of the types of sentence is____.


A.       Common sentences

B.       Assertive sentences

C.       Proper sentences

D.       Abstract sentences


4)      Shall we go out for pizza tonight?


A.     I know that

B.     It’s very good

C.     I’m too tired

D.     I’m also late


5)      Which of the following is not an input device?


A.      Touch pad

B.      Mouse

C.      Printer

D.      Joystick


6)      A picture that represents a file is called an____.


A.      Library

B.      Start menu

C.      Icon

D.      Double


7)      What is the extension of files created in MS word?


A.     .dot

B.    .doc

C.    .dom

D.    .txt


8)      Which of the following is not a network?


A.   PC’s

B.    Smartphone’s

C.    Servers

D.   Switch


9)      An example of communication channel is____.


A.     Feedback

B.     Face- to- face conversation

C.     Context

D.     Noise


10)   What does it mean to paraphrase?


A.     To obscure

B.     To emphasize

C.     To summarize

D.     To  evaluate


11)   Which is not a component of commitment?


A.     Solemn promise

B.     Sacrifice

C.     Ethics

D.     Pact to preserve


12)   Shyness is a____.


A.      Mental illness

B.      Behavior tendency

C.      Reflex

D.      Defect


13)   An external factor of SWOT


A.     Strengths

B.     Weaknesses

C.     Opportunities

D.     Greatness


14)   Supportive organization of RBI is____.





D.   All of above


15)   Which organization is established for agriculture and rural development?


A.      IFCI

B.      EXIM

C.      IRBI

D.      NABARD


16)   The essential characteristic of an entrepreneur is____.


A.      Self-confidence

B.      Weaknesses

C.      Morality

D.      Independence


17)   Full form of ATM is____.


A.      Any time money

B.      Automated teller machine

C.      Automatic money

D.      Assist time money


18)   Which of the following countries has lowest rates of mining?


A.      India

B.      Japan

C.      Germany

D.      China


19)   Using online banking,  you can____


A.      Use passbook

B.      Transfer money

C.      Use debit bills

D.      Use credit bills


20)   Currently the biggest steel producing country in the world is____


A.      India

B.      America

C.      Germany

D.      China


21)   Accident is a____


A.      Misbehave

B.      Expected event

C.      Unexpected event

D.      All of above


22)   For hand protection you should use_____


A.      Long-sleeve shirts

B.      Shield

C.      Body harness

D.      Gloves


23)   Which of the following termed as biological?


A.      Lithosphere

B.      Non-living

C.      Living

D.      None of these

24)   Animal dung is____ waste.


A.      Biodegradable

B.      Non-biodegradable

C.      Hazardous

D.      Toxic


25)   Children below the age of____ should not be employed.


A.      14

B.      15

C.      16

D.      18

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