Showing posts with label 21st century skills. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 21st century skills. Show all posts

#15 Introduction to Mobile Applications


Mobile Applications


Mobile applications have changed how we live, work, communicate and interact with the world around us in this digital world. Mobile applications have become a crucial part of our daily routines, serving a variety of purposes from social media friend connection to managing our finances, entertainment, and even health monitoring. This article will teach us about the basics of mobile applications, as well as their significance and the ways in which they have shaped the modern world.

Understanding Mobile Applications:

A mobile application, also known as an app, is a software program specifically designed to run on devices like smartphones and tablets. These applications take advance technology of mobile devices, including touchscreens, GPS, cameras, and sensors, to provide users with a wide range of functionalities and services.

Types of Mobile Applications:

Mobile applications can be broadly classified into several categories based on their functionality and purpose:

Native Apps: Developed for a specific mobile operating system (e.g., iOS or Android) using platform-specific programming languages (Swift for iOS, Java or Kotlin for Android). Native apps offer optimal performance and access to device-specific features but require separate development for each platform.

Web Apps: Web-based applications accessed through a mobile device's web browser. These apps are generally built using web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and offer cross-platform compatibility but may have limited access to device features.

Hybrid Apps: Combining elements of both native and web apps, hybrid apps are developed using web technologies but packaged as native apps using frameworks like React Native or Ionic. Hybrid apps offer a balance between performance and cross-platform compatibility.

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs): Web applications that use modern web capabilities to provide a user experience similar to native apps. PWAs are designed to work offline, offer push notifications, and can be installed on the user's device, blurring the line between web and native apps.

Significance of Mobile Applications:

The proliferation of mobile applications has had a profound impact on various aspects of society:

Enhanced Connectivity: Mobile apps enable seamless communication and connection with others, whether through social networking platforms, messaging apps, or video conferencing tools.

Convenience and Accessibility: Mobile apps empower users to access information, services, and entertainment anytime, anywhere, directly from their smartphones or tablets.

Productivity and Efficiency: Business and productivity apps streamline tasks, facilitate collaboration, and improve workflow efficiency, enabling users to stay organized and productive on the go.

Entertainment and Leisure: From gaming and streaming services to digital magazines and e-books, mobile apps offer a plethora of entertainment options to cater to diverse interests and preferences.

Health and Wellness: Health and fitness apps help users track exercise, monitor nutrition, manage medical conditions, and access tele-medicine services, promoting overall well-being and healthy lifestyle choices.

Expanding the Significance of Mobile Applications:

Education and Learning: Mobile apps have revolutionized the way we learn, providing access to educational resources and learning opportunities beyond traditional classrooms. Educational apps offer interactive lessons, tutorials, and study aids on a wide range of subjects, catering to learners of all ages and skill levels. Whether it's language learning apps, coding tutorials, or virtual classrooms, mobile applications have democratized education, making learning accessible and engaging for millions worldwide.

E-commerce and Retail: The rise of mobile shopping apps has transformed the retail landscape, offering consumers unprecedented convenience and choice. E-commerce apps allow users to browse, shop, and make purchases directly from their mobile devices, with features such as personalized recommendations, secure payment options, and doorstep delivery. From fashion and electronics to groceries and household goods, mobile shopping apps have reshaped the way we shop, driving the growth of online retail and changing consumer behavior.

Travel and transportation: Mobile applications have changed the travel and transportation industries. With the help of mobile apps we can book travelling tickets and hotel rooms online and we can also plan vacation. They give us real time updates. Transportation apps give us hassle-free services like on demand rides, public transportation information and car rental. Considering things mentioned above we can say that the transformation apps have improved availability, efficiency and enjoyment in our daily life.

Financial Services:

Mobile banking apps and finance apps have changed the way we manage and monitor our finances, investment tracking and monitor our bank accounts. Banking apps help customers secure access to their accounts, check balances, fund transfer at any time. On the other hand finance apps provide tool for portfolio management, stock market, and financial planning which help users to plan their financial future easily and conveniently.

Challenges and Future Trends:

While mobile applications have revolutionized various aspects of modern life, they also present challenges and considerations, including:

Security and Privacy Concerns: With the increasing use of mobile apps comes the risk of security breaches, data leaks, and privacy violations. Developers must prioritize security measures, such as encryption, authentication, and secure coding practices, to protect users' sensitive information and ensure data privacy.

Fragmentation and Compatibility: The diverse landscape of mobile devices and operating systems presents challenges for app developers in ensuring compatibility and optimal performance across different platforms and device configurations. Developers must adopt strategies such as responsive design, device testing, and platform-specific optimizations to address fragmentation and deliver a seamless user experience.

Emerging Technologies: The future of mobile applications is shaped by emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, augmented reality, virtual reality, and the Internet of Things. These technologies offer exciting opportunities for innovation and disruption across industries, enabling new functionalities, experiences, and business models in mobile app development.

In short, mobile applications have changed the way we live, work and interact with the technology which offer connectivity, convenience and functionality. They offer wide range of services in communication, entertainment, productivity and commerce and so on. Mobile apps have enriched our lives and drive innovation in this digital age. Any changes in mobile technology comes with new trends. Mobile apps have the boundless potential to shape the future of our society.

Time management

Time management

A key component of productivity and success at work is time management. It involves using time wisely to priorities work, boost productivity, and eventually accomplish goals. Missed deadlines, decreased motivation, and a stressful work atmosphere can all result from poor time management. The good news is that time management skills can be developed, and it's never too late to begin. This article will address the value of time management in the workplace and provide advice and tactics to help you become more adept at managing your time.

Approaches and Tips for Developing Time Management Skills

 1. Prioritize Tasks: Prioritize your activities as a starting point for enhancing your time management abilities. Making a list of every work that has to be done and then rating them according to importance is required for this. This will enable you to priorities the most crucial tasks first and cut down on time spent on less crucial ones.

2. Make a Schedule: The following step after prioritizing your activities is to make a schedule. This can be done by designating particular periods for each work or by simply allocating time slots throughout the day to different projects. You can maintain attention on one job at a time while avoiding distractions by sticking to a routine.

3.  Set realistic deadlines: Be realistic when setting deadlines for yourself and others. If a task will take longer than you expect, it’s better to set a deadline that reflects this so that you don’t end up feeling overwhelmed.

4. Use Technology and Tools: There are a number of tools and technology available to assist with time management at work. Calendars, to-do lists, timers, and productivity applications are a few common choices. By keeping you focused and organized, these tools can make it simpler for you to manage your workload and accomplish your objectives.

5. Avoid Distractions: Distractions are indeed a big issue in the office and can interfere with time management. You may set up a quiet workstation, cut down on interruptions, and set time limits for non-essential activities to avoid distractions.

6. Take Regular Breaks: Throughout the day, it's crucial to take regular breaks. You can recover, concentrate, and prevent burnout by doing this. Try taking a short walk, stretching, or simply stepping away from your desk for a few minutes each hour.

7. Assign tasks: Assigning tasks to others is another method for enhancing time management at work. If you have a heavy burden or there are jobs that someone else can complete more effectively, this can be extremely useful. You may free up more time for other duties and lessen your workload by delegating jobs.

8. Stay Organized: Finally, it's essential to Stay Organized at work. This might include maintaining a clean workstation, organizing your file cabinets, and utilizing calendars and to-do lists to keep track of your activities. You may discover what you need fast and save spending time looking for information by Staying Organized.

9.  Learn to say no: It can be difficult to say no when someone asks for your help, but learning to do so is an important part of time management. Saying no to unnecessary tasks or meetings will help you focus on what’s most important.

10.  Review your progress: Regularly review your progress and make adjustments as needed. Reflect on what you’ve accomplished and what you still need to do. This will help you stay on track and make sure you’re making the most of your time.


Why time management essential in the workplace?

1. Increases Productivity: Effective time management leads to increased productivity.  You can concentrate on what is most essential and accomplish more in less time when you prioritise your tasks. As a result, deadlines are fulfilled and objectives are completed in a more productive work environment.

2. Reduces Stress: Lack of time management abilities may cause stress, which is a significant issue in the job. You can control your workload and lessen the stress of attempting to complete too much in too little time by setting priorities and making a timetable.

3. Improves Concentration and Focus: Time management may also help in improving focus and attention at work. You can stay on target and keep out of trouble by prioritising tasks and dividing them into manageable pieces. You'll be able to do activities more quickly and accurately as a result.

4. Increases Motivation: When you can successfully manage your time, you can do more and feel more proud of yourself. Increased motivation from this greater sense of success may inspire you to work harder and achieve even more.

5. Improves Work-Life Balance: Finally, efficient time management may help you maintain a healthy work-life balance. Effective time management enables you to set aside more time for activities like spending time with family or engaging in hobbies. This can assist you in keeping a balanced work-life schedule, hence lowering stress levels and enhancing general wellbeing.

In summary, effective time management is essential for productivity and success at work. You may enhance your time management abilities and accomplish your goals by setting priorities, making a timetable, utilizing tools and technology, avoiding distractions, taking regular breaks, delegating duties, and being organized. Start now and observe the impact, good time management may have on your workplace.

1 Importance of communication and types of communication

Importance of communication 

Our everyday lives depend on communication, which is important in both personal and professional contexts. Establishing and maintaining relationships, attaining objectives, and resolving conflicts all depend on effective communication. Here are some explanations for why communication is important:

1. Building and maintaining relationships: Whether it's with friends, family, or coworkers, communication is important to creating and maintaining relationships. We may develop mutual respect, trust, and understanding by communicating clearly.

2. Achieving goals: In both personal and professional contexts, effective communication is crucial for reaching goals. It enables us to communicate, bargain, and work together with others to achieve a common objective.3.  Resolving conflicts: Communication is crucial in resolving conflicts, whether it's a disagreement with a friend or a dispute in the workplace. Through effective communication, we can express our point of view, listen to others, and find common ground.

4. Improving productivity: Effective communication increases productivity, both at work and at home. It enables precise instructions, effective job delegation, and prompt feedback, which reduces misunderstanding and errors.

5. Personal development: Strong communication abilities can aid in our personal development. We may improve our capacity for self-awareness, empathy, and critical thinking by speaking clearly and actively listening.

Let's now discuss the various types of communication, including verbal and non-verbal communication.

1. Verbal communication: The process of using spoken words to transmit a message or information is known as verbal communication. It is one of the most fundamental and important methods of communication practiced by people on a regular basis. Speaking and writing are the two fundamental categories of verbal communication.

Writing: Writing is a verbal communication technique that uses written words to express ideas or facts. This may be done via a variety of channels, including social media posts, emails, letters, and text messages. Writing enables the writer to take their time to thoughtfully compose their message while also enabling the message to be communicated in a concise and simple manner. Additionally, writing allows for the message to be recorded and referred to later, making it a great tool for documentation and record keeping.

Speaking: Speaking, on the other hand, is the process of communicating through spoken words. Face-to-face interactions, phone calls, and video conferences can all be used for this. Speaking is an excellent way to resolve disputes and have important conversations since it provides for quick response and communication. Speaking is also a more dynamic method of communication since it allows for the use of body language and tone of voice to communicate meaning.

Speaking and writing are both crucial components of verbal communication. Speaking allows for immediate feedback, the use of body language and tone of voice to convey meaning, and the ability to communicate a message in a clear and concise manner. Both forms of communication should be used appropriately in various contexts by being aware of their advantages and disadvantages.

At last, verbal communication, which can be divided into speaking and writing, is a crucial component of human interaction. Both forms of communication have advantages and disadvantages of their own and should be used appropriately in various situations. Individuals can improve their interactions with others and communication skills by realising the value of both forms of communication.

2. Non-verbal communication: The use of non-spoken clues to transmit a message or information is referred to as non-verbal communication. Gestures, facial expressions, body language, and tone of voice are all part of it. Even more delicate and nuanced meanings may be communicated by nonverbal cues, which can be equally as significant as verbal cues.

Consider the following important factors when it comes to nonverbal communication:

1. Facial expressions: Facial expressions may be used to represent a variety of emotions, including agreement, disagreement, perplexity, and others. A frown can convey grief or disapproval while a grin can convey happiness or agreement.

2. Body language: How someone sits or stands might provide information about their intentions or emotions. One may convey confidence by standing straight and with their shoulders back, or one may convey discomfort or indifference by slouching and avoiding eye contact.

3. Gestures: Different emotions or intentions may be conveyed by the way a person moves their hands or other body parts. For instance, pointing might convey emphasis or direction, whereas while shrugging can signal uncertainty or lack of knowledge.

4. Tone of voice: How someone talks may also be used to infer meaning. A monotonous voice, for instance, might convey boredom or apathy, whereas a loud or animated tone can convey excitement or urgency.

5. Proximity: The space between persons has symbolic importance as well. Standing near to someone, for instance, might convey closeness or hostility, while standing far away can convey unease or indifference.

6. Touch: Physical contact may also communicate message. While a tight grip might indicate wrath or hostility, a nice pat on the back can convey congratulations or admiration.

Because non-verbal communication can differ among countries and societies, it's critical to keep the cultural setting in mind while reading non-verbal signs. A subtle yet useful technique, non-verbal communication may be utilized to improve verbal communication, better understand people, and communicate more effectively.

click here for Effective communication and workplace communication.


Protect the environment


Protect the environment

The existence of our world and the welfare of all living things depend on protecting our environment. The planet supplies us with the resources we require for survival, and it is our duty to prevent their destruction or depletion. Unfortunately, due to human activity, the ecosystem has suffered enormous harm, including deforestation, pollution, and climate change. We must take steps to lessen our influence on the globe and seek to reestablish the ecological balance of the land in order to safeguard our ecosystem.

Pollution: Pollution is currently one of the most important environmental challenges. There are many different types of pollution, such as soil, water, and air pollution. When dangerous gases and particles are released into the atmosphere as a result of human activities like the burning of fossil fuels, industrial operations, and transportation, air pollution is the result. Heart disease, cancer, and respiratory issues can all be brought on by this pollution. When dangerous substances, waste materials, and contaminants are dumped into rivers, lakes, and seas, water pollution results. This might endanger aquatic life, contaminated water used for drinking, and make it challenging for people to go swimming and fishing in these areas. The introduction of hazardous substances and waste materials into the soil causes soil pollution, which can hinder plant growth and animals to find food.

We must invest in sustainable energy sources like solar and wind power and take actions to lessen our reliance on fossil fuels in order to reduce pollution. We must also make an effort to use less products and services, such plastic bags and throwaway packaging, that cause pollution. In order to lessen the quantity of garbage that ends up in landfills, we also need to work to enhance waste management systems and recycling initiatives.

Deforestation: Deforestation is a major environmental problem. When trees are cut down to create room for farming, urban development, and other human activities, deforestation happens. As forests are home to a large diversity of plant and animal species and serve a crucial part in regulating the earth's temperature, this may have a disastrous effect on the ecosystem. Additionally, forests guard against natural calamities, stop soil erosion, and provide resources like lumber and medicinal plants.

We must take action to safeguard forests, including establishing protected areas and reserving land for conservation, in order to lessen deforestation. Additionally, we must make an effort to lessen consumer demand for goods like palm oil and beef that support deforestation. Additionally, we need to make investments in sustainable forestry and agriculture methods that let us harvest food and other goods without harming forests.

Climate change: Another significant environmental concern that has to be addressed is climate change. The emission of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane, which trap heat in the atmosphere and raise the earth's temperature, is what leads to climate change. Numerous adverse effects, like as more intense weather, increasing sea levels, and the loss of plant and animal species, may result from this.

By switching to sustainable energy sources, making investments in energy efficiency, and lowering our consumption of products and services that worsen the environment, we can cut our greenhouse gas emissions and fight climate change. Additionally, we must make an effort to adjust to the existing changes, such as by erecting sea walls to fend off sea level rise and developing drought-resistant crops.

We must consider following points while we discuss about protecting environment:

1.Reduce, reuse, and recycle: This is one of the most effective ways to protect the environment. Reducing the amount of waste we produce, reusing items as much as possible, and recycling the rest can help conserve natural resources and reduce pollution.

2.Conserve energy: Another way to protect the environment is to conserve energy. This can be done by using energy-efficient appliances, turning off lights and electronics when not in use, and using public transportation or carpooling instead of driving alone.

3.Protect endangered species: Endangered species are at risk of extinction, and it's important to take action to protect them. This can be done by supporting conservation efforts, avoiding products made from endangered animals, and preserving natural habitats.

4.Use sustainable products: Another way to protect the environment is to use products that are sustainable. This includes products made from renewable resources, and those that are biodegradable or easily recyclable.

5.Support green initiatives: Supporting green initiatives such as clean energy projects, conservation efforts, and sustainable agriculture can help protect the environment. This can be done by volunteering, making donations, or supporting political candidates who prioritize environmental issues.

6.Educate yourself and others: Education is key to protecting the environment. By learning about the issues and ways to make a difference, individuals and communities can take action to protect the environment.

In conclusion, protecting our environment is crucial for the survival of our planet and the well-being of all living creatures. To protect our environment, we must take action to reduce our impact on the earth and work to restore the natural balance of the planet. This includes reducing pollution, protecting forests, and combating climate change. By taking these steps, we can ensure that future generations will have access to the resources they need to thrive.

How an influential entrepreneur take initiative on environment?

Elon Musk is funding a $100 million carbon removal competition

The XPrize Carbon Removal Program, which is supporting a carbon removal competition amongst teams throughout the world, is supported by the Musk Foundation. The award is described on the website as the greatest incentive reward in history, and the objectives are to combat climate change and re-balance the Earth's carbon cycle.

₹2 Learning Employability skills online

Learning Employability skills online

Employability skills are becoming more and more crucial in the current employment market. These abilities are crucial for someone to be able to get and keep a job, and they frequently determine whether or not someone is employed. The good news is that many of these abilities can be taught online, which makes it simpler for people to pick up the skills they need to succeed at work. The following are some tips for learning employability skills online:

1. Online courses: Online courses are one of the simplest ways to develop employability skills. Online courses on a variety of employability skills, including problem-solving, communication, and time-management, are available on several websites and platforms. Several well-liked websites for online education. for example, Coursera, Udemy, and Skillshare.

2. Websites and blogs: Using websites and blogs to gain employability skills online is another option. There are several websites and blogs that provide guidance on how to improve different employability skills, including leadership and teamwork. These materials might be a great way to pick up new skills and find motivation to develop your own.

3. Social media: Social media is a fantastic online resource for learning employability skills. You may follow and learn from the many specialists in many disciplines who utilise social media to offer their knowledge and skills. LinkedIn is a fantastic site for following professionals in your sector and business leaders.

4. Video tutorials: Learning online employability skills is also a fantastic option with video tutorials. A wonderful place to find video lessons for learning new skills is YouTube, for instance. There are lessons available on a variety of employability skills, including communication, networking, and public speaking.

5. Virtual internships: Online learning employability skills is made a lot easier with virtual internships. Many businesses now provide online internships that let people get practical experience in a particular subject or industry. Learning employability skills like cooperation, communication, and problem-solving in this way is quite beneficial.

6. Online networking: Online networking is another way to learn employability skills online. Joining online professional groups and communities can help you connect with other professionals in your field. This can help you learn new skills and gain valuable insights into the industry.

7. E-books and PDFs: E-books and PDFs are another great way to learn employability skills online. Many experts in various fields have written books on employability skills, which can be downloaded and read online. These resources can be a great way to learn new skills and gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

8. Online mentoring: Online mentoring is another way to learn employability skills online. Many experts in various fields offer online mentoring, which allows individuals to learn from the best in the industry. This can be a great way to learn new skills and gain valuable insights into the industry.

to summarize, there are many ways to learn employability skills online. Online courses, websites and blogs, social media, video tutorials, virtual internships, online networking, e-books and PDFs, and online mentoring are all great resources for learning new skills. By taking advantage of these resources, individuals can acquire the skills they need to be successful in the workplace and increase their chances of gaining and maintaining employment.


The 21st century skills and Know yourself- self awareness

The 21st century skills

The way we live and work has changed significantly in the twenty-first century, and as a result, so have the skills that employers are looking for. Employers nowadays are seeking for a different set of talents from their employees than they did in the past due to the fast-paced and continuously changing employment environment. Some of the most important employability skills in demand in the twenty-first century are listed here.

 1. Communication skills: In today's employment environment, it is crucial to be able to communicate clearly both orally and in writing. Among other things, this involves the ability to speak and listen with clarity.

2. Problem-solving skills: Employers value workers with these abilities to think critically and creatively, to evaluate data, and to develop workable solutions to issues.

3. Adaptability: In today's employment environment, the capacity to adjust and be flexible in the face of change is becoming more and more crucial. Employers need candidates that can swiftly adjust to new conditions, technology, and operations.

4. Technical skills:  Because technology is always advancing, businesses are searching for workers with the technical abilities to stay up. This covers knowledge of software, programming languages, and digital tools.

5. Interpersonal skills: It's more crucial than ever to be able to get along with people. Employers respect workers who can lead, cooperate, and establish connections both inside and outside the company.

6. Leadership: People with leadership qualities are in high demand. Employers are searching for workers with leadership skills, people-motivation skills, and decision-making skills that produce outcomes.

7. Emotional Intelligence: The capacity to identify, comprehend, and control one's own emotions as well as those of others is referred to as emotional intelligence. This involves having the capacity for clear communication, sympathy, and mature conflict resolution.

8. Creativity: In today's employment market, it is more and more important to be able to think creatively, generate original ideas, and develop creative solutions to issues.

9. Global awareness: As the globe becomes more interconnected, businesses are searching for workers who can handle cultural differences and have a global perspective.

10. Continuous learning: Employers respect workers who are dedicated to personal growth and ongoing education. This entails keeping aware of the most recent trends, technology, and business advancements.

In summary, companies now demand a different set of skills from their staff members than they did in the past. In today's employment environment, the above mentioned talents are becoming more and more significant. These talents increase an employee's chances of success and improve their chances of finding employment. For these skills to continue to be competitive in the job market, it is important to consistently grow and improve them.

Know your self (self-awareness)

Self-awareness is a crucial component of both professional and personal growth. A SWOT analysis is one tool you may use to better understand who you are. SWOT analysis is a method that people may use to determine their opportunities, threats, weaknesses, and strengths. People can decide on their personal and professional objectives in accordance with these areas by having a thorough knowledge of them.

  • Strengths: A SWOT analysis enables people to discover their strong points. If t hey are excellent at these, They can use them to accomplish their goals. For instance, if a person is good at communicating, they may use this talent to improve their connections with coworkers and clients.
  • Weaknesses: People can determine their weaknesses using the SWOT analysis. They must make improvements in these areas if they are to meet their objectives. For instance, if someone has trouble managing their time, they might concentrate on improving their time-management skills in order to be more efficient.
  • Opportunities: The SWOT analysis aids people in finding possibilities. They can benefit from these outside variables in order to accomplish their objectives. For instance, if someone wants to launch a firm, they might explore for market prospects to build a profitable business.
  • Threats: An individual can identify threats using the SWOT analysis. These are outside variables that could obstruct their efforts to reach their objectives. One could encounter rivalry from existing firms in the market, for instance, if they seek to launch a business.

To sum up, self-awareness is essential for both personal and professional development. An effective method for understanding your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats is the SWOT analysis. You may establish reasonable goals and create a strategy to reach them by being aware of these areas. You may make wise judgements and realize your full potential armed with this information.

  click here Learning Employability skills online.

Attitude, behavior and Critical thinking for problem solving or decision making

Attitude, Behavior and Critical thinking for Problem solving or decision making


Attitude is a mental state, it defines whatever we think and experience. It has a tendency to respond to a person, an event, an opinion etc. which reflects in our body-language. It has a strong impact on our decision and actions. Education, experience and environment are the major factors of a person’s attitude.

A person’s attitude can be positive, negative or neutral opinions, which shows likes and dislikes of the person. So, the type of attitude we carry, speaks a lot about us, as we get into that mood and transmits a message to the people around us. There is no such thing like an ideal attitude for a certain situation, because, it is intuitive and so we always have an option to choose for appropriate attitude.



'The term behavior can be described as the way we act our self. It is a manner of acting and controlling oneself towards other people. It is range of reactions and mannerism which is set by an individual, system or an organization in association with themselves or their environment, in any situations. In short, behavior is an individual or group reaction to inputs such as an action, environment or stimulus which can be internal or external, voluntary or involuntary, conscious or subconscious.

In short, behavior is an individual or group reaction to inputs such as an action, environment or stimulus which can be internal or external, voluntary or involuntary, conscious or subconscious.

Key Differences between Attitude and Behavior The difference between attitude and behavior can be drawn clearly on the following grounds:

  •  Attitude is defined as a person’s mental tendency, which is responsible for the way he thinks or feels for someone or something. Behavior implies the actions, moves, conduct or functions of an individual or group towards other persons.
  • A person’s attitude is mainly based on the experiences gained by him during the course of his life and observations. On the other hand, the behavior of a person relies on the situation.
  • Attitude is a person’s inner thoughts and feelings. As opposed to, behavior expresses a person’s attitude.
  • The way of thinking or feeling is reflected by a person’s attitude. On the contrary, a person’s conduct is reflected by his behavior.
  •  Attitude is defined by the way we perceive things whereas behavior is ruled by social norms.
  • Attitude is a human trait but behavior is an inborn attribute.

Critical thinking:


Critical thinking is the practice used in problem solving and decision making. It helps to break down any problem using information, experience, observation and reasoning.


Critical thinking requires following skills:


1.      Reasoning:

2.      Creativity:

3.      Open-mindedness:

4.      Communication:

5.      Research:


Problem solving or Decision making:

Step by step process

1.    Identify the problem

2.    Search for alternatives

3.    Analyze alternatives

4.    Select the suitable solution from the alternatives

5.    Implement the selected solution

6.    Evaluate the result

7.    Problem solved or not?

8.    If no, then repeat Step 3




Introduction to Employability skills


Employability skills

         Employability skills are set of skills which will help you to get your desired job. The skills which will make you eligible for employment. Because, they add some values to your academic qualifications. You may have good degrees from renowned educational institutes but, on the basis of those degrees you will not get your desired job. Your academic degrees are worthless unless you have some skills. The set of skills make your CV (resumé) complete and during interview you will be asked about your skills besides your academic degrees or qualifications. The set of skills required to get your desired job is called Employability skills. In short, in this 21st century industrial/corporate world, you must have some of these skills. Now-a-days during interview session the employers mainly focus on skills such as;

  •      Communication skills- verbal communication and non-verbal communication            and listening skills
  •      IT (information technology) skills also known as digital literacy
  •       Interpersonal skills (how you maintain relationship with the people around you) and self assessment(finding our strength and weakness)
  •      Customer handling and customer retention skills
  •      Emotional intelligence
  •      Time management
  •      Stress management
  •      Problem solving and decision making
  •      Team working
  •      Conflict resolution
  •      Negotiation persuasion and influencing skill
  •      Self motivation and creative thinking

 These skills are called 21st century skills. To match the pace of modernization one must possess such skills in the fast moving corporate world.

In our syllabus, we are about to learn some of the above mentioned skills in the subject Employability skills, as a trainee of ITI(Industrial Training Institute) you are supposed to work in an industrial environment. Our new syllabus designed by NSQF (National Skill Qualification Committee) for NCVET (National Council for Vocational Education and Training) consists of following modules:

  1. Introduction to Employability skills
  2. Constitutional values/ Citizenship
  3. Becoming a professional in the 21st century
  4. English skills
  5. Career development and goal setting
  6. Communication skills
  7. Inclusion, gender sensitivity, PWD etc.
  8. Financial and legal literacy
  9. Digital literacy and skills
  10. Entrepreneurship skills
  11. Customer service
  12. Job readiness and examination preparation


Important Employability skills

The capacity to find and keep a job requires a person to have certain talents, which are known as employability skills. In today's employment market, companies are seeking for people who are not only qualified for the position, but also have the skills needed to succeed at work. As a result, these talents are becoming more and more significant. The following are some crucial ideas on the significance of employability skills:

1. Problem-solving: One of the most important employability skills is problem-solving since it enables people to identify and fix problems that develop in the job. This ability helps workers to think critically and make judgements that are in the best interests of the business, making it essential for success in any position.

2. Communication: Effective communication is another important employability skill.  Success in every career depends on one's capacity for efficient written and spoken communication. In addition to building relationships with coworkers and clients, this ability enables individuals to express their views and opinions in a clear and simple manner.

3. Time management: Managing your time well is a crucial employability skill. Employers want to know that their staff members are capable of time management and deadline adherence. This ability helps workers to prioritise tasks and finish them on time, making it crucial for success in every position.

4. Teamwork: Teamwork is another key employability skill. Many jobs require employees to work in teams, and the ability to work well with others is essential for success. Teamwork skills include the ability to collaborate, communicate, and negotiate with others.

5. Adaptability: Adaptability is also a crucial employability skill. The job market is constantly changing, and employers are looking for employees who can adapt to new situations and technologies. This skill allows individuals to be flexible and open to new ideas, which is crucial for success in today's job market.

6. Leadership: Leadership is another important employability skill. Employers are looking for employees who can lead and motivate others. Leadership skills include the ability to motivate, inspire, and guide others.

7. Technical skills: Technical skills are also important employability skills. These skills include the ability to use specific software or equipment, and knowledge of industry-specific regulations and standards.

8. Interpersonal skills: Interpersonal skills are also crucial employability skills. These skills include the ability to interact with others, build relationships, and communicate effectively.

9. Self-motivation: Self-motivation is also a key employability skill. Employers want to see that their employees are self-motivated and can work independently. This skill allows individuals to set goals and work towards achieving them.

10. Continuous learning: Continuous learning is another important employability skill. Employers are looking for employees who are willing to learn and grow with the company. This skill allows individuals to stay up-to-date with new technologies and industry developments.

In conclusion, employability skills are becoming increasingly important in today's job market. Employers are looking for individuals who possess a combination of technical skills and soft skills that will help them succeed in the workplace. These skills include problem-solving, communication, time management, teamwork, adaptability, leadership, technical skills, interpersonal skills, self-motivation, and continuous learning. Developing these skills can help individuals stand out in the job market and increase their chances of gaining and maintaining employment.

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