#13 Internet safety


Internet safety

We use internet in everyday life for various purposes such as shopping, banking, socializing, social media and learning, so the internet safety is must be our main concern. As internet offers many benefits, on the other hand it comes with many risks. With should consider following essential points to internet safety:

1. Protecting personal information: it is common and one of the biggest risks on internet is stealing and misuse of personal information; like your name, address, phone number, and financial data. By using strong passwords and avoiding sharing personal information online we can protect them. Additionally, be cautious of phishing scams and unsolicited emails or messages asking for personal information.

2. Being aware of online hunters: The non-identification of the internet can make it easy for hunters to target children and young people. Parents should talk to their children about online safety and set guidelines for internet use. Ask your children never share personal information online and not to meet in person the people they have met online.

3. Being alert of cyberbullying: People use internet to harass, threaten and intimidate others as internet has become a fertile field for cyberbullying. The victims of cyberbullying must report the inappropriate behavior to the concern authorities so that steps can be taken to protect him by blocking the person who is bullying them.

4. Using the internet responsibly: One must use the internet responsibly and ethically. One should not involve in some activities like hacking, using copyrighted material, or speeding malware and be aware of the material and information he is sharing and because it might have some negative unintended consequences.

5. Being aware of online scams:  Internet is center for various scams, we must be aware of any kind of greedy offers and prizes we receive through emails, messages or on any social media sites. We must cross check and be skeptical about its authenticity and credibility before shopping or accepting any gift or prizes.

6. Keeping your devices safe:  Apart from being safe on internet it is also important to keep your devices safe, including software updates, antivirus software, and being aware all the types of network we may connect to.

7. Having a balanced online life:  We must have balanced online life. As much time you spend on internet, as much you will have negative effect on mental and physical health. Set limits on the time you spend online and make sure to take regular breaks.

8. Protecting your identity: To protect your identity is very important for internet safety, be cautious while giving personal information like date of birth, unique Identification number, bank details etc., and we should not use same username and password for all the accounts because it may help hackers to get access to them very easily.

9. Privacy settings:  Always check your privacy setting on your social media accounts because this will help you control who can see your posts and personal details. Only accept friend requests from people you know in real life, and be cautious of messages from unknown people.

10. Secure your Wi-Fi: Never share personal information while using public Wi-Fi as these network are not secure. Avoid accessing sensitive information such as banking information or entering passwords when using public Wi-Fi. Use VPN to encrypt your online traffic, it makes harder for hackers to intercept your information.

Overall, internet safety is essential in today's digital world. Consider above mentioned points to be safe on internet. Always remember to stay informed and educate others about internet safety to create a safer online community.

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