For ES 2nd year Question 1 to 100

For ES  2nd year  Question 1 to 100


1.     The plumber ______ the pipes yesterday.

A. Repair

B. Repaired 

C. was repair 

D. was repaired

2.     Kumar ______ a good carpenter.

A. Are

B. can

C. be

D. is

3.     A good ______ helps to create a good first impression.

A. family

B. friend

C. self-introduction

D. all of the above

4.     When you attend a friend's wedding with your father, you may have to introduce your father to your friend and your friend to your father. What kind of situation is it?

A. elevator pitch

B. formal

C. informal

D. elevation tone

5.     Come tomorrow and fix the door knob. This sentence is ______.

A. interrogative

B. imperative

C. exclamatory

D. None

6.      How effective the CTS training has been! This sentence is _____.

A. exclamatory

B. imperative

C. declarative

D. none 

7.     The customer requested the lady executive to display the different mobile phone models. The customer asked ______ to mention the cost of the mobiles too.

A. him

B. his

C. her

D. It 

8.    The ITI Principal called Manoj. The Principal asked ______ to show _____ hall ticket for the CTS examination.

A. him, his

B. him, her

C. her, his

D. her, him

9.     Imagine you have ______ABC company as a craftsman.  ______ an email to be sent to your supervisor.

A. join, written

B. joined, written

C. joined, wrote

D. joined, write

10.   ______ the role of the supervisor to ______instructions to the craftsmen on safety in the workplace.

A. played, give

B. played, gave

C. play, give

D. played, give

11.   ______ a note to be______ to the newly recruited craftsmen about safety.

A. written, circulate

B. write, circulate

C. write, circulated

D. written, circulated

12.   ______ means the immediate surroundings to the place one lives in.

A. Workplace

B. Facilities

C. City

D. Neighborhood

13.   Role models ______ people to follow them.

A. elevate

B. instruct

C. inspire

D. none

14.   Role models inspire people to follow them though they have ______ and have met ______.

A. elevation, failures

B. strengths, failures

C. weaknesses, failures

D. elevation, successes

15.   Human beings are ______ by nature. It is the cultivation of ______ habits that makes one a better person.

A. perfect, good

B. perfect, strength

C. imperfect, good

D. imperfect, weak 

16.   The set of imperfections in a person is called ______.

A. strengths

B. elevations

C. imitations

D. weaknesse 

17.   Strengths of role models get ______ while weaknesses get _____.

A. Noticed, unnoticed

B. elevator, noticed

C. unnoticed, noticed

D. none

18.   Which word is an adjective_____.

A. Beautiful

B. Park

C. Wave

D. Sea

19.   A town is ______ than a village, but ______ than a city.

A. larger, smaller

B. small, large

C. smaller, larger

D. smaller, large

20.   We ______ books from a library.

A. buy

B. sell

C. borrow

D. none

21.   There ______ a coffee shop ______the park.

A. are, next to

B. is, next to

C. is, next

D. are, next 

22.   The area is ______ as the houses in it costs a lot of money.

A. beautiful

B. expensive

C. safe

D. big

23.   There are ______apartments in my neighborhood.

A. spacious

B. school

C. kind

D. Fresh

24.   It is a ______locality. One need not fear.

A. boring

B. safe

C. school

D. fresh

25.   There is water scarcity in the locality. The area is ______.

A. polluted

B. noisy

C. dry

D. Uneven

26.   Transportation to some rural areas is difficult as the roads are ______.

     A. polluted

     B. dry

     C. spacious

     D. uneven

27.   There is a big playground ______our house.

    A. on

    B. in

   C. near

   D. over

28.   There is a garden with ______flowers in our neighborhood.

A. safe

B. clear

C. lovely

D. none

29.   Can _____ tell _____ about the strengths of the neighborhood?

A. me, you

B. you, me

C. you, my

D. you, me

30.   There is a lake near the village, Sometimes people ______ garbage _____ it.

A. keep, into

B. keep, on

C. throw, into

D. throw, between

31.   A ______ maintained neighborhood is a _____ environment to live in.

A. good, good

B. well, well

C. well, good

D. good, well

32.   Identify the opposites: clean x ______, healthy x ______.

A. dirty, health

B. dirty, healthy

C. dirt, unhealthy

D. dirty, unhealthy

33.   Rainwater harvesting ______ to prevent water scarcity.

A.   gives

B.    gave

C.    help 

D.    Helps

34.   ______of trees ______ the environment.

A. plant, save

B. planting, saves

C. planting, save

D. plant, saves

35.   You can express your views by _____ or _____ to the problems and solutions.

A. agree, disagree

B. agreeing, disagree

C. agree, disagreeing

D. agreeing, disagreeing

36.   There ______ instructions to be ______ to maintain neighborhoods well.

A. is, followed

B. are, follow

C. are, followed

D. is, follow

37.   ______ air pollution by using bicycles ______ the campus.

A. Use, inside

B. Get, above

C. Control, inside

D. Control, between

38.   ______ the computer every day after use.

A. Turn on

B. Switch on

C. Turn off

D. all of the above

39.   Hobbies ______ to the activities that we ______ in our leisure time.

A. take, do

B. refer, did

C. refer, do

D. refers, do

40.   Gardening, reading, collecting stamps, singing ______ some examples of hobbies.

A. is

B. was

C. were

D. are

41.  The Jog falls is the second ______waterfall in India.

A. tallest

B. highest

C. higher

D. taller

42.  The world’s ______beach is along the Bay of Bengal in Tamil Nadu.

A. highest

B. longer

C. longest

D. high

43.   One of the seven ______of the modern world is located in Agra in Uttar Pradesh.

A. wonder

B. wander

C. wanders

D. wonders

44.   ______mountains, trekking, surfing and scuba diving ______ called adventures.

A. climb, are

B. climbing, was

C. climbing, is

D. climbing are

45.   Adventures ______risks and are ______ to the people who undertake them.

A. involves, exciting

B. involve, excited

C. involve, exciting

D. involved, exciting

46.   Many people ______water sports ______ surfing, scuba diving in the ocean apart from fishing.

A. like, enjoy

B. liked, enjoy

C. enjoy, liked

D. enjoy, like

47.   There ______ famous mountains ______ beaches in India.

A. is, and

B. are, and

C. are, but 

D. is, but

48.    Fuji _____ an active volcano about 100 kilometers southwest ______ Tokyo.

A. are, of

B. is, for

C. is, of

D. are for

49.   The White Cliffs of Dover ______ on the coastline ______England.

A. are, of

B. is, of

C. are, for

D. is, for

50.   Everest, the ______ peak in the world, ______ in Tibet.

A. high, is

B. higher, is

C. highest, is

D. highest, are

51.   Jumping _____a great height while connected _____ a large elastic cord is called bungee jumping.

A. for, to

B. for, for

C. from, to

D. from, for

52.   I will arrange _____the tickets _____ Pune.

A. for, to

B. to, to

C. to, for

D. or, above

53.   Adventure sports _____be jumping _____ great heights, diving deep _____ the sea, or flying _____the air.

A. can, from, on, in

B. can, from, into, in

C. can, of, of, in

D. can, of, in, of

54.   _____employees to ask questions. and _____ a team atmosphere.

A. Respect, Encourage

B. Encourage, Develop

C. Encourage, Take

D. Respect, Take

55.   Magnificent, large, thin, lengthy, square, bright, sharp, hard– are examples of _____.

A. describing words

B. action words

C. pronouns

D. naming words

56.   Table, wire, socket, cable, hammer, nail, pipe, motor, refrigerator – are examples of _____.

A. action words

B. pronouns

C. describing words

D. naming words

57.   Fix, measure, pull, lift, grind, mix, operate – are examples of _____.

A. pronouns

B. action words

C. describing words

D. naming words

58.   Commas, full stops, question marks – are examples of _____.

A. design

B. punctuation marks

C. formal communication

D. none

59.   During the COVID-19 pandemic, it is better to _____than shake hands, and say Namaste than _____.

A. hug, wave hands

B. wave hands, hug

C. hold hands, hug

D. none

60.   The singular form of lenses is_____.

A. Lens

B. Len

C. Lense

D.      Lenses

61.   While addressing your boss, you should be _____.

A. impolite

B. informal

C. formal

D. none

62.   Hi, how are you? What’s up? – These are examples of _____.

A. formal communication

B. informal communication

C. polite communication

D. none

63.   How do you come to work? What is your qualification? -These are examples of _____.

A. formal communication

B. informal communication

C. impolite communication

D. Improper communication

64.   If you meet your supervisor in the grocery store, you will _____.

A. turn your face and go away

B. run to him/her and hug him/her

C. greet him/her formally

D. greet him/her informally

65.   When you borrow a screwdriver from a trainee, you should say, ‘_____’

A. Give me your screwdriver

B. Can you give me your screwdriver?

C. What a nice screwdriver you have!

D. Spare me your screwdriver

66.   I have received complaints about workplace safety. Please check them immediately and share the details with me. This is an example of _____.

A. casual communication

B. formal workplace communication

C. informal communication

D. informal workplace Communication

67.    _____ people’s body language and how they _____ when they talk over the phone.

A. Instruct, speak

B. Observe, speak

C. Observe, notice

D. Instruct, notice

68.   Every time you _____ an email, try to _____ something from it.

A. learn, see

B. learned, see

C. see, learned

D. see, learn

69.   You are requested to complete the given assignment by Monday. This is an example of _____.

A. impolite communication

B. formal communication

C. informal communication

D. oral communication

70.   Gestures, facial expressions, eye contact are examples of _____.

A. verbal communication

B. non-verbal communication

C. acting skills

D. communication skills

71.   Greetings help you to _____.

A. Establish a connection with someone you meet in formal and informal situations.

B. Establish a connection with someone you meet in formal situations.

C. Establish a connection with someone you meet in informal situations.

D. Establish cordial relationship

72.   When you make an enquiry at a bank, it is -_____situation.

A. an informal

B. a formal

C. a friendly

D. a casual

73.   While we are at home or with friends, we use _____verbal communication.

A. influence

B. informal

C. formal

D. none

74.   When we greet our superiors, managers and boss we greet them _____.

A. informally

B. casually

C. formally

D. indifferently

75.   Spoken communication is usually not only _____ but also _____

A. verbal, non-verbal

B. speaking, writing

C. speaking, formal

D. writing, informal

76.   What we communicate without words, but with body language is an example of _____.

A.  verbal communication

B.  formal communication

C.  informal communication

D.  non-verbal communication

77.  Working with others to find a mutually agreeable solution is called _____.

A.  persuasion

B.  communication

C.  negotiation

D.  assertion  

78.  Communication within an organization is _____with superiors and can be _____with friends and colleagues.

A.  informal, formal

B.  informal, non-verbal

C.  formal, informal

D.  non-verbal, informal

79.   Good morning’, ‘nice to meet you’, ‘How have you been?’ – are examples of _____.

A.  formal greetings

B.  informal greetings

C.  superiors

D.  Organizations

80.  Writing emails, letters, memos, orders, filling forms, minutes, contracts, proposals and quotations are examples of _____workplace communication.

A. informal

B. non-verbal

C. formal

D. verbal

81.  Writing a leave letter is part of _____communication.

A. formal workplace

B. informal workplace

C. non-verbal workplace

D. none

82.   We may have to introduce colleagues, peers and superiors in _____context.

A. self-introduction

B. informal

C. formal

D. official

83.   A quick self-introduction is called_____.

A. elevation pitch

B. elevator tone

C. elevator pitch

D. elevation tone

84.   As a customer sales executive in an electrical appliances showroom, your greetings and introduction of your instructor to your supervisor shall be _____.

A. descriptive

B. formal

C. informal

D. elevator tone

85.   _____fidget._____and smile. _____composed.

A. Don’t, Blink, stay

B. Don’t, Relax, Stay  

C. Don’t, Blink, Well

D. Don’t, Instruct, Stay

86.  _____ are persons with very good behavior, achievements and lead as an example.

A. customer service

B. Executives sales supervisors

C. ITI instructors

D. role models

87.   There are many do’s and don’ts to be _____ while preparing for/attending an _____.

A. there, interview

B. identify, interview

C. identified, interviewed

D. identified, interview

88.   Always _____ your mobile phone _____ silent mode during an interview.

A. know, in

B. know, of

C. keep, on

D. keep, of

89.  _____ for your turn. Do not _____ the officials at the venue, asking for your turn.

A. ask, problem

B. rush, problem

C. Wait, trouble

D. Clean, trouble

90.   Tell us about a difficult situation you have _____ and how you _____ to come out of it.

            A. face, manage

B. faced, manage

C. face, managed

D. faced, managed

91.  Miscommunication can lead to _____.

A. Build relationships

B. Create misunderstanding

C. Successful Planning

D. See effective results

92.   Rearrange the jumbled words to identify the correct option. ‘two, process, communication, way, is, a _____.

A. A two process is way communication.

B. Communication is a two way process.

C. Communication is a process two way.

D. Two is a process way communication.

93.   For effective communication _____.

A. Keep Listening.

B. Keep Talking.

C. Listen and talk carefully.

D. Listen carefully but talk unnecessarily

94.  Primary storage devices are _____.





95.  What is stress?

A. Feeling of joy

B. Feeling of surprise

C. Feeling of delight

D. Feeling of frustration/disappointment

96.  How many days does it take to form a habit?

A. 10

B. 11

C. 15

D. 21

97.  Factories Act was introduced in _____.

A. 1948

B. 1956

C. 1949

D. 1980

98.   Wages are paid _____.

A. Daily

B. Monthly

C. Quarterly

D. Yearly

99.   When a worker contributes to bring the best output by using the available resources, the worker is _____.

A. Productive

B. effective

C. Reliable

     D. Selfish

100.  PPE means _____.

A. Personal Productive Equipment

B. Personal Protective Equipment

C. Productive Personal Equipment

D. Personal Protective Engine


Job search process and Resumé writing

 Résumé and Job search process

      Job search is a never ending and a continuous process. It will have a direct impact on your career, the way you  search your job. You will need to write a résumé before you start searching a job. It is said that the résumé is the mirror of your personality. therefor your résumé is expected to be attractive and interesting. You have to be very careful and precise while preparing a résumé, no details should be out of your knowledge or false, Because each and every question you will be asked will be from your résumé, when you will be appearing for an interview. so first of all we will see how résumé is prepared and then we will discuss about job search process.

Resumé writing

1. What is Resumé?

A resume is a formal document that a job applicant creates to describe his educational qualifications and extra curriculum activities for a position. It is created as per the job requirement.

  It includes:

  Personal details

  Educational qualification

  Work experience

  Extra curriculum activities/achievements



2. Heading

  Your name

  Residential address

  Contact number

  E-mail address

3. Career objective                                                      

  Career objective should be you self development considering the objectives of the company in which you have applied for a job

  Simply how can I reach my goals by achieving company's objectives?

  Example of career objective;

         my career objective is to become a good worker and get promoted through my work and become a part of a dynamic and competitive organization, wherein I can fully utilize my skills and contribute to the success of my organization as well as my own career.

4. Personal detail

  Personal details includes

  1. Date of birth
  2. Native place
  3. Relationship status
  4. Hobbies
  5. Area of interest
  6. Computer skills
  7. Strength
  8. Weakness
  9. Work Experience

    5. Academic Qualification

      Academic qualification preferably shown in reverse order(last degree first)

      you can also show other courses which you have pursued.

       For example, a computer course.


      Taking the responsibility of the information that we have put in the resume.

       For example:

           I hereby declare that all the information given by me is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

      After declaration there will be date and place on left hand side and your signature on right hand side

      And last enclosed documents list on left hand side of the resume.



     Now we will systematically study the job search process.



     Step-1: Assess yourself

    • Personal profile (what are you?)

    • Personal qualities

    • Interests

    • Skills

    • Competence

    • Personal values

    Step-2: Job search

    • Newspaper

    • Referrals

    • Recruitment fairs

    • Trade magazines

    • Employment exchange

    • Internet

    Step-3: Prepare or revise your resume
    • Also known as Personal Data Sheet/Bio-Data
    • Includes details of education, work experience, skills, activities, job objective, references etc.
    Step-4: Application Letter (Cover Letter) 
    The application letter (cover letter) is sent along with the resume 
    It's main objectives are: 

    Used to draw attention to oneself, make interesting, and show your ability

    • To ask about an interview

    • To make your first impression on the employer Job Application Form

    • Provided by the prospective employer which contains various questions like,

    • Name, Address, Phone number, Reference, Job history, Education, Guilty of a crime or not.

    Step-5: To give an interview

    • Call the employer

    • Present yourself professionally

    • You won't always get an interview

    Step-6: Prepare for the interview

    • Plan of exterior appearance

    • Practice questions

    • Company research

    • Plan dress (what kind of clothes to wear?)

    • Find a place (online)

    • Leave early

    Step-7: Interview

    • Be confident

    • Be polite

    • Be honest

    • Be thorough  

    Step-8: Follow-up

    • Thank you letter

    • Phone call

    • Express, if you want the job

    Step-9: Evaluate the offer
    • Do you like the organization?
    • Will you fit into the organization?
    • Will you benefit the organization?
    • Will you benefit from the organization?
    • Are there opportunities for advancement?
    • Does it meet your needs?

    So, in this way we can prepare a resume to get a job and get information about how to find a job and its process.


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